#64 Near Death Experience and Abusive Childhood Created A Strong Man of Christ – Joel Bogges

Suffering from a near death experience and being a child victim of drug addicted abusive behavior formed Joel Bogges belief structure.  After a moment of fear and inspiration, he revisited his faith and became a true follower of Christ. Now as a podcaster with his own show called “Relaunch” Joel

#63 Tragic Accident and Death Changes A Christian Man’s Life – Aaron Walker

Life changes when tragedy happens.  Aaron Walker was living a successful life when in 2001 he struck a pedestrian with his car killing him.  There were many lessons that Aaron keeps close to him from this event, most important is that he never forgets that his life could end at

#62 Molested, Pornstar, Drug Addict: When Lost Men Come Home – David Zailer

When a boy is molested at 8 years old and discovers pornography a few weeks later, he is at a high risk for living a dysfunctional and sinful life. David Zailer was a victim of molestation which led him to drug addiction and eventually performing in pornography films.  This is

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