Category : Substance Abuse

#84 – Drugs, Sex, Theft, Molestation, Domestic Abuse, Infidelity and finding God –  Andy Jones Part 2

Andy Jones should be locked away in prison, but God saved him.  Through a life of molestation, drugs, sex, theft and domestic abuse God was with him, but he refused to listen.  Andy has served as a ministry leader at Celebrate Recovery Ministry at Seacoast Grace Church, a ministry that

#83 – Drugs, Sex, Theft, Molestation, Domestic Abuse, Infidelity and finding God –  Andy Jones Part 1

Andy Jones should be locked away in prison, but God saved him.  Through a life of molestation, drugs, sex, theft and domestic abuse God was with him, but he refused to listen.  Andy has served as a ministry leader at Celebrate Recovery Ministry at Seacoast Grace Church, a ministry that

#65 Special Forces Hero Becomes A Christian – Larry Broughton

God is a firm, but loving parent says special forces hero Larry Broughton.  This is a guiding principle for Larry as he leads his very successful Real Estate business.  Things were not always so clear for Larry.  In this episode, he talks about how he overcame sexual trauma and molestation

#62 Molested, Pornstar, Drug Addict: When Lost Men Come Home – David Zailer

When a boy is molested at 8 years old and discovers pornography a few weeks later, he is at a high risk for living a dysfunctional and sinful life. David Zailer was a victim of molestation which led him to drug addiction and eventually performing in pornography films.  This is