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#130 Learning To Surrender To God – Antonio Zanellato

Psalm 37:7-9 – “Be still before the Lord and wait patiently for him;
do not fret when people succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes. Refrain from anger and turn from wrath; do not fret—it leads only to evil. For those who are evil will be destroyed, but those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land.” 

In this episode Dino talks with Antonio Zanellato, the first guest who has yet to surrender to God. Antonio has never been a patient man, but is ready for change. He is trying to learn forgiveness so that he can let go.  If you can’t forgive, the devil uses that door as a way in. Antonio is from Italy and came to the US in 2009. He grew up fatherless in Northern Italy, but was taken to Naples to live with his Grandparents.  He was not close to his mother and had mixed feelings about his dad.  Antonio was waiting for his dad to rescue him, a day that never came.

As he grew older, Antonio never turned away from a fight and went from being a good kid to one who was not. From 14 to 19 Antonio robbed, defrauded and stole cars all along knowing that it was wrong and only for validation. At 24 he was sat down by a family member and was told no one is going to save you. This belief led to objectivism and atheism. Antonio did not care about others for the next 10 years. Antonio got married and came to America, but within a few years infidelity crept in.

When Antonio met his second wife Jan it changed his life.  Her love is so complete and when she got pregnant, Antonio began feeling closer to God, but was not sure what to do until he discovered the book “Wild Are Art” by John Eldritch. He went through many dark times, but the worst was just 2 weeks ago brought on by shame, fear and guilt. Antonio has a family and when he resigned his job without another, he put them at risk.  We pray for Antonio’s growth in God and we pray for his family and for him to find employment.

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2 Responses to “#130 Learning To Surrender To God – Antonio Zanellato”

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