Category : charity

#129 The Original Gangsta Finds God: There’s Always A Way Out – Doug Travato

In this episode Dino talks to Doug Travato about his journey to find God. They discuss pride, ego, gratitude, humility and God’s blessings. Doug is a man who is very repentant about the people he’s hurt in his past. He grew in a non-Christian home in Southern California and was never

#99 Fasting and Prayer: The Path To Faith – James Graham

James is a child of God, but he wasn’t always.  As a child he went to 4 hour services at church and because it was so interactive, it went by very quickly and was engaging.  He is very analytical in his approach to God and his beliefs and this analysis

#98 Inspiring People To Give – Brad Formsma

Brad is a 45 year old Father of 3 from Grand Rapids MI.  In August of 2014 he moved his family to Irvine, CA knowing no one. Brad’s biggest weakness is based around trust.  Brad believes his trust as a child was broken due to abuse.  Luckily, he has in him

#66 Christians Battling Human Trafficking with Finding Freedom International – Terry LaDow & Tera Schatsky

Human Trafficking is a terrifying plague fueled by a very dark evil.  Finding Freedom International is a Christian organization that is fighting back by going directly to the darkest shadows and bolstering the safe houses and caregivers that are taking care of the young victims who are sometimes no older