#128 Drugs,Alcohol, Sex, Infidelity: A Journey Back To Family and God – Freeman Palmore

On Father's Day in 1974 Freeman Palmore's father passed away and at 17 years old he denounced God.  What was to follow was 28 years of drugs, alcohol, infidelity and male prostitution that took him away from his wife, 3 daughters and son from another woman. Freeman Palmore never taught his

#127 Abuse, Heartache and Addictions Lead Down the Path To Suicide – Steve Murrin

Steve Murrin is a recovering sex addict who found himself in such pain that he planned his own suicide.   The grace of God stepped in and with a cinderblock and chain in his trunk, Steve called a crisis hotline.  The police tracked his car down and admitted him to a hospital

#126 God Helps A Man To Save His Daughter and Her Fiance – Jerry Fisher

Jerry Fisher and his brothers were beaten by his father.  Although he has forgiven his father, it left deep wounds that he still reconciles today.  In his 30's Jerry traveled for work, made lots of money and lived like he was single, but it wasn't the way to happiness.  At 40 years

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The Struggle Is Real

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Pornography, A Tool of Evil

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